Los Aleph
En “El Aleph”, el cuento de Borges, el protagonista encuentra una “pequeña esfera tornasolada” que contiene el infinito: el espacio cósmico y todos los puntos de vista posibles. Traducción de Magdalena Holguín.
Things with a History
Can rubber trees, silicone dolls, corpses, soil, subatomic particles, designer shoes, and discarded computers become the protagonists of contemporary literature and what does this tell us about the relationship between humans and objects?
Beyond Bolaño
Focusing on post-1989 Latin American novels and their representation of globalization, Hoyos considers the narrative techniques and aesthetic choices Latin American authors make in a highly interconnected world.
edited collections
La cultura material en las literaturas y culturas iberoamericanas de hoy
Dossier. Cuadernos de literatura 40 (July-December 2016): 254-489.
La intensificación en el comercio multilateral de bienes e ideas, especialmente a partir de 1989, sirve como punto de partida para nuestra reflexión sobre las estrechas relaciones entre globalización, cultura material y literatura.
Theories of the Contemporary in South America
with Marília Librandi Rocha.
Dossier. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 48.1 (March 2014): 96-2017
The articles in this peer-reviewed Revista de Estudios Hispánicos dossier originate in an international colloquium entitled “What is the Contemporary?” that took place at Stanford University on May 21–22, 2012.
Sujetos del Latinoamericanismo
with Florencia Garramuño and Romina Wainberg
Por medio de estudios de caso (literarios, cinematográficos y artísticos), los capítulos del volumen imaginan nuevas posibilidades estéticas y políticas más allá de nociones convencionales de sujeto, persona y e individuo.
selected articles
World Literature: Twenty-First-Century Legacies
Roberto Bolaño in Context. Jonathan B. Monroe, Ed. Cambridge UP, 2022: 333-346.
The State of a Field in Five Books
Comparative review essay on state-of-the-discipline monographs. Revista Hispánica Moderna 74.1 (April 2021): 103-115.
The War on Drugs between Exception and Legitimacy: García Márquez’s News of a Kidnapping
with Jorge González-Jácome.
Law and Literature (2020): 1-22. Print: Vol 34, Feb. 2022.
Bolaño: Solar Anus of World Literature
A Companion to World Literature. Ed. Ken Seigneurie. London: Wiley Blackwell, Vol. 5B, 2020: 3241-3250.
Parochialism from Below: On World Literature’s other Other
World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality: Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise. Mariano Siskind and Gesine Müller, Eds. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019: 53-61.
Global Supply Chain Literature vs. Extractivism
Re-Mapping World Literature. Gesine Müller, Jorge Locane, Benjamin Loy, Eds. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018: 33-44.
Corpse Narratives and the Teleology of World Literary History
Journal of World Literature 2.1 (2017): 63-79. Special issue: “Rethinking World Literature in Latin American and Spanish Contexts.” Annalisa Mirizio and Marta Puxan-Oliva, Eds.
History and Raw Material in Muñecas
Review: Literature and Art of the Americas 96. 51.1 (2018): 14-20.
Cattle and Silkworms
On The Matter of History: How Things Create the Past, by Timothy J. LeCain. The American Historical Review 127.3 (September 2022): 1419-1422.
Hemispheric Studies Tomorrow
On The Pan American Imagination, by Stephen Park. American Literary History 28.3 (2016): 605-612.
Catholicism in Latin America
The Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Ray, Sangeeta and Henry Schwarz, Eds. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
a Research Group on Latin Americanist and Comparative Anthropodecentric Thought (2014-)
Anticolonial Interdisciplinarity
Law and Literature in the Global South aims to broaden the horizons of the Law and Humanities critical paradigm through a series of workshops, under the auspices of Stanford Global Studies.